Recent Activity -
Space Professional specializing in Space Control, SSA, and International Affairs
Military Experiences
Feb 2011 - Oct 2013
Deputy Chief, Space Ops Div
Supported the development of policy and guidance for all Space Operations and concentrates on Space Control: Offensive Space Control, Defensive Space Control, and Space Situational Awareness systems operated by the Air Force. Determines operational impacts of and advocates for international space engagements, develops responses to Congressional/Office of the Secretary of Defense queries, develops space control architectures, and provides interface and interaction with the space control communities. HQAF lead for Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Operations issues and International Engagements. STO
Jul 2008 - Feb 2011
Chief, Current Operations Branch
Air Staff representative to determine AF’s portion of global deployments. Lead Action Officer for USAF’s 24,000+ Global Force Management (GFM) requirements for FY10 and FY11. Worked daily with JFCOM, Joint Staff, Air Staff, and other services. Key player of USAF Crisis Action Team (CAT) during National Emergencies and Operation UNIFIED RESPONSE. Instrumental member of DoD Independent Review Related to Fort Hood as well as USAF’s Ft Hood Follow-On Review (FOR).
Jul 2006 - Jul 2008
Deputy Chief, Commander's Action Group
Hand-selected by 3-star for CAG position; developed SMC/CC strategic priorities, objectives, and communications inside and outside of SMC. Spearheaded Center preparation and execution of Congressional, OSD, USAF, AFSPC, and allied DV visits to SMC. Led SMC Senior Leadership Offsite, vital interchange w/40+ CCs driving lasting change throughout the Center.
(1 year, 5 months)Apr 2007 - Sep 2007

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Director of Operations, Personnel Security Coordination Center, Multi-National Force - Iraq Headquarters
Led operations of the Iraqi equivalent of the Secret Service, responsible for the security and transportation of Iraq’s highest leaders & US leadership. Executed TACON of US Army Company to provide convoy security and Quick Reaction Forces.
Led operations of the Iraqi equivalent of the Secret Service, responsible for the security and transportation of Iraq’s highest leaders & US leadership. Executed TACON of US Army Company to provide convoy security and Quick Reaction Forces.
Jan 2005 - May 2005

Operations Staff Officer, Special Programs Branch, Headquarters US European Command
Major Responsibilities: Deployed for 130+ days in support of the Global War on Terrorism, directly supporting USEUCOM’s Counter Terrorism planning and operations.
Major Responsibilities: Deployed for 130+ days in support of the Global War on Terrorism, directly supporting USEUCOM’s Counter Terrorism planning and operations.
Dec 2002 - May 2003
Flight Commander, 4th Space Control Squadron
Major Responsibilities: Led deployed flight overseas for 140+ days in support of OEF and OIF directly supporting CENTCOM Commander’s space objectives.
Major Responsibilities: Led deployed flight overseas for 140+ days in support of OEF and OIF directly supporting CENTCOM Commander’s space objectives.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information