33% Complete
0 Endorsements
3 Contacts
Influence Score: 554
65,925 out of 868,041 Veterans
65,925 out of 868,041 Veterans
Recent Activity -
(7 years, 2 months)Apr 1973 - Apr 1976
Western Pacific
Attached to VA145 at Whidbey Island WA. Made 3 Cruises onboard USS RANGER with A-6 B/C
Sep 1965 - Jan 1969
Western Pacific
I was attached to RVAH-7 out of Sanford FL. Just came back into the Navy as 3rd Class. Became Shellback 7 NOV 1965 Capt Holloway was the ship's Skipper. Made 2 cruises on Enterprise (WESPAC) then Squadron transfer to USS Independence and we made a Med Crusie. I made 1st class on the Indy Jan 1969
Jan 1962 - Aug 1962
My 1st Cruise VFP-63 Det LIMA Total of 3 Electricians, A Blackfoot Indian, a 2nd Class and myself. Second Class left on Emerg LV and never returned. Leaving two Third class for 4 A/C. I got out after completion of cruise.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools