59% Complete
0 Endorsements
8 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,314
18,293 out of 867,311 Veterans
18,293 out of 867,311 Veterans
Recent Activity -
I am a Constitutional Patriot. I own firearms and am a staunch supporter of the second amendment. I believe in small government and the power of the people. I will stand against our government if I feel we have entered a tyrannical state of affairs or martial law.
I am not a republican or democrat. I vote for who I believe serves the American people best.
I've worked in the Quality field in several industries including aerospace &medical device
Military Experiences
1981 - 1983
Assault Boat Cox'n
LCPL-1, Man Overboard Cox'n, Ambulance Boat Cox,n, Liberty Boat Cox'n
1980 - 1981
Assault Boat Cox'n
LCM6 Cox;n
(7 months)Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Blueprint Reading and Sketching
Started in Jun 1982
Assault Boat Cox'n School
Security Clearance
Top Secret