SGT Robert Shelton

SGT Robert Shelton

Dates of Service: no date specified
82% Complete
5 Contacts
Influence Score: 3,120
14,317 out of 864,882 Veterans
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  • PVT Dec 94
  • PV2 May 95
  • PFC Nov 95
  • SPC Jan 99
  • SGT Feb 02

Recent Activity  -


Christian, Father, Husband, Veteran-Disabled, Purple Heart recipient, hunter, fisherman, biker, tattooed, 2A advocate, Patriot... what other trigger words can I throw in there?! Just kidding- I am awoke and know there are a whole lot more... Thank you-to all our Service members, past, present, and soon to be! You serve the ultimate sacrifice! To give more than of yourself!

Military Experiences

Apr 2000 - Feb 2005
67T Flight Co. Crewchief/Squad Leader
Went straight to the SOAR compound, given access. Got to the PAC clerk and they said they were over strength for Tangos!?! Really, than why did I get a signed letter?! What a shitty deal... divorced, and re-enlisted for this!? Got sent to 9-101st B Co. Got sent right into the Flt Co's! Then in March 2003, we went to combat in Iraq! I crashed in a helicopter on the night of Nov. 15th 2003. Mosul, Iraq-took an RPG to the tail! Thank God, 5 of us made it out! 22 soldiers died that night. There was another helo that went down at the same time, at least 3/4's of a mile away from our wreck. The Army official story is that we collided!?! We know what happened.... 14 soldiers on their bird all died, 8 on mine did not make it out. God Rest their soles!
Sep 1999 - Mar 2000
D Co
67T Maintenance
Worked on the maintenance side. After being in Flight Co. I didn't like working in Maintenance! I wanted to fly. It was also a Medivac unit, which means the Flt Medics are all but gods, and the crewchiefs are the go-fers. Got divorced, trained, tested, got an acceptance letter to SOAR-those who know, know what it means. Re-enlisted for Ft. Campbell, KY again and SOAR-boy was I excited!!! Flying and the with SOAR that was gonna be the shit!!!
Jul 1997 - Aug 1999
B Co
67T Maintenance/Crewchief
Started out in the Maintenance Co. then pretty much went straight to the Flight Co. Worked with Pathfinders!
Jun 1995 - Jun 1997
C Co
67T Hel. Mech.
The Unit may not be correct- We all start out as helicopter mechanics. But, if you grind, become useful, knowledgeable, and push for it... you can become a helicopter crewchief-which I did! Best days of my life! Clear right and up! Responsible for your own assigned aircraft! Maintaining it, scheduled inspections, flying in it if it's worthy! Flight Platoon is a whole different level than maintenance! And ten times better! Plus, you get to FLY!!!

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jun 2003 - Jul 2003


Feb 2002


Mar 1998


Security Clearance

Personal Information

Current Location