![Jerry Austin GySgt Jerry Austin](https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/profiles/photos/806929/medium/10675560_10204467331900946_3632854787485268596_n.jpg)
52% Complete
0 Endorsements
10 Contacts
Influence Score: 8,302
6,771 out of 867,689 Veterans
6,771 out of 867,689 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Jul 1991 - Nov 1994
Administrative Clerk/Administrative Chief, G-2
Perform clerical and administrative duties incident to general and operational administration utilizing manual and automated information systems. Processed all new security clearance applications. Pulled all daily classified information and prepped for dissemination to designated/authorized personnel within the G-2 department prior to morning meetings with the G-2 and Deputy G-2. Ensured compliance of all documentation including required clearances for those personnel accessing NATO classified message traffic. Upon promotion to SSgt and the retirement of the G-2 Admin Chief, resume those duties and responsibilities.
Apr 1986 - Jun 1991
Administrative Clerk
Perform clerical and administrative duties incident to general and operational administration utilizing manual and automated information systems. Administrative clerks must possess knowledge of the Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS), and Marine Corps standard word processing and database software packages. Typical duties consist of the preparation of naval correspondence and messages; preparation and maintenance of directives; preparation of travel orders, completion of general administrative requirements such as leave authorizations, identification cards, and preparation and maintenance of command snit punishment books
May 1982 - Oct 1985
The infantry assaultman employs rockets, the Anti-Personnel Obstacle Breaching System (APOBS), and demolitions. Assaultmen provide rocket fire against fortified positions in support of the rifle squads, platoons, and companies within the infantry battalion. Additionally, assaultmen employ APOBS, demolitions, and breaching/infiltration techniques to facilitate infantry maneuver in the offense, and demolitions and expedient counter mobility measures in the defense. Noncommissioned officers are assigned as gunners, team, squad, and section leaders. During this period of service I deployed multiple times and participated in combat operations in Grenada (Operation Urgent Fury) and was part of the multi-peacekeeping forces in Beirut, Lebanon until our withdrawal in February 2004.
Mar 1981 - Apr 1982
8151 Guard
Enforces military or Department of State regulations and orders. Controls entrances and access to military installations, United States diplomatic missions, or other designated establishments.Verifies authenticity of passes and identification cards of military personnel, civilian employees, and visitors afoot or in motor vehicles entering or leaving installations or diplomatic missions. Prevents unauthorized removal and theft of United States Government property.
Makes periodic checks of standing lights and locked doors and designated secure areas. Receives and verifies guard property. Maintains guard property accounts and guard report logbooks. Prepares offense, accident, unusual incident, injury reports and correspondence pertaining to activities of a guard unit. Assures that scheduled bugle calls are sounded.Conduct guard mount. Inspect and instruct guards and sentinels while on post. Supervises or assists in the supervising of the guard of the day during emergency situations. Directs traffic, escorts visitors, or vehicles delivering supplies and equipment.
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees