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I have owned my business consulting firm for over 25 years while a member of the Army Reserves. Blessings include the ability to attain, sustain, and grow two careers simultaneously. The closer I get to the senior decision table the better my skill sets are realized, but I remember how each decision impacts those who accomplish the work. If the goal is change and improvement, start here.
Military Experiences
Apr 1974 - May 2007
Senior Military Analyst
I am a mustang (E1-LTC). Experience includes involvements as leads in "think tanks", OIC and board VP for nation to nation contracts for combat equipment in Netherlands/Germany, and business management organization lead for 2 star commands as part of Command Advisory Groups (CAG), and management of tactical/technical systems on the battlefield.
(2 years)Mar 2003 - May 2004
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Kuwait
Commanded Contracts Supervision unit, 369th, during combat operations. Supported the movement of military supplies, foodstuffs, etc., to the front lines in Iraq.
Apr 1997 - Aug 1997

South Korea
Was attached to EUSA as wartime advisor as S4/S3 operation to work directly with Korean government to rework wartime planning and movement loads.
Jun 1988 - Jul 1988
As HHD Commander and BN S1 trained with another Maintenance BN (Fwd) and members of the Canadian forces.
May 1981 - Jun 1981

South Korea
As 1LT Army Reserves, led Tech Supply Platoon in mixed U.S. and Korean warehouse and supply operations and training as part of Team Spirit '81.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Foreign Language Skills
Korean (1/0+)
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
2006 - 2017
Walden University, Higher Education
Doctorate, Applied Mgmt Decision Sciences/Leadership and Organizational Change
Personal Information