LTC Greg Henning

LTC Greg Henning

Dates of Service: Jan 1974 - Jun 2009
100% Complete
456 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,636,667
60 out of 868,039 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PFC Dec 74
  • SPC Apr 75
  • SP5 Aug 76
  • 2LT May 80
  • 1LT May 84
  • CPT May 88
  • MAJ May 95
  • LTC Dec 05
Commissioning Source:  OCS, May 1980

Recent Activity  -


Graduate Education Professor teaching Social Studies methods. Developed a World Geography course for educational and history majors. Social Studies Education developing a new Medal of Honor course for high school students. Helped formed Warriors to Washington a 501 (C3) that supports local deployed veterans

Military Experiences

Feb 2006 - Jun 2009
99th RSC
G-7 Plans
G-7 Plans Officer was responsible planning major training events for subordinate organizations within the RSC. Conducted inspections of various units training status. Acted as G-7 during transition between incoming G-7 to CG of RSC. Directly supervised four commissioned and three non-commissioned officers. Attended additional training sessions as required.
Mar 2008 - Feb 2009
Liaison Officer
Liaison Officer between MNSTC-I and MNC-I was a three star representative for the commanding general within the JOC for MNC-I at Camp Victory. Attended all significant planning meetings assisting coordination between commands. Developed SOP for GO's travelling within MNC-I area of operations. Provided time sensitive information that assisted operations. Interfaced for MNSTC-I G3 and G7 with MNC-I staff officers. Assisted all MNSTC-I personnel arriving at VBC with transportation and coordinated lodging. Primary briefer of CG for MNF-I and MNC-I orientation of new personnel.
Dec 2004 - Nov 2005
Congressional Trip Planner
Trip Planner for members Congress and State Department, senior military commanders. Worked directly for the commander of MNF-I at the US Embassy in Baghdad. Interfaced directly with Iraqi government, military units, and members of congress planning COLDEL's. Primary trip planner for Secretary of Defense and State coordinating security, itineraries, and assisting embassy protocol office. Developed profiles on all members of congress for CG MNF-I and worked directly with CENTCOM coordinating C130s to support missions.
May 1997 - Dec 1998
1-112 IN
Operations Officer (S3)
BN S-3 was responsible for developing yearly training plans for an Infantry BN. Interfacing with BDE and DIV operations sections to coordinated future training cycles to support mobilization. Primary staff officer reporting directly to BN Cdr on all training matters. Mentored and evaluated various Staff officers and NCO's


(2 years, 5 months)
Feb 2008 - Feb 2009
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Liaison Officer between MNSTC-I and MNC-I was a three star representative for the commanding general within the JOC for MNC-I at Camp Victory. Attended all significant planning meetings assisting coordination between commands. D
Sep 2004 - Dec 2005
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Trip Planner for members Congress and State Department, senior military commanders. Worked directly for the commander of MNF-I at the US Embassy in Baghdad.

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
None / Expired

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1990 - 1995

1976 - 1977

Mount Wachusett Community College, Higher Education

Associate Degree, Electronic Engineering Technology

Personal Information

Gardening logo Gardeningliving historymountain bikeTrail running logo Trail RunningAe5debb6 Travel
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter