SrA Eric Standlee

SrA Eric Standlee

Dates of Service: no date specified
74% Complete
0 Endorsements
15 Contacts
Influence Score: 4,474
10,651 out of 863,928 Veterans
About Discussions


  • AB Sep 91
  • Amn Oct 91
  • A1C Oct 91
  • SrA Dec 93

Recent Activity  -


I own multiple businesses, our oldest is 27 years old. In the last 27 years we funded thousands of companies and billions of dollars in startups, acquisitions and growing companies. I am buying $10BB in companies in oilfield services, IT services, staffing and manufacturing. I also have $2.4BB in films we're gathering funding for.

Military Experiences

Mar 1993 - Aug 1997
324 IS
Cryptologic Linguist
Joint Service Commendation Medal
Sep 1991 - Nov 1991
324 TRS

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Dec 1991 - Mar 1993

Foreign Language Skills


Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher

Personal Information
