65% Complete
0 Endorsements
31 Contacts
Influence Score: 3,718
12,404 out of 866,662 Veterans
12,404 out of 866,662 Veterans
Recent Activity -
(1 year, 8 months)Aug 1970 - Dec 1970
Co B 4/12 Inf 4th Inf Div Ft Carson, CO
Served as 31B40 Communications Chief
Served as Company CQ (Charge of Quarters)
Jun 1969 - Aug 1970
Co B 3/11 Inf 5th Inf Div Ft Carson, CO
Original orders OJT Tracked Vehicle Mechanic but served as OJT 31B Field Radio Mechanic in Mech Inf Co. I maintained Base, Portable, and Tracked/Wheeled Vehicle Radios/Intercoms. I was an M113 APC Driver. I maintained TAERS records for Commo Equipment and ordered Spare/Repair parts. I obtained Cryptography Clearance and acted as Crypto Clerk.
Personal Information