Recent Activity -
A proven, highly skilled, dynamic, dedicated, and results-oriented leader with twenty years military experience supervising, teaching, and managing teams. An effective motivator with practical experience in both traditional and non-traditional classroom environments. Strong skills in community relations, project planning, resource management, key issue identification, and public speaking.
SFC Scott graduated Cum Laude from Chaminade University of Honolulu with a B.A. in Historical and Political Studies and a minor in Psychology. Nearing the end of his military career, SFC Scott, and his family, will permanently settle in beautiful St. Petersburg, Florida where he intends to embark on a new career teaching high school history, economics, or government while working to complete his PhD in History focusing on Colonial America.
SFC Scott graduated Cum Laude from Chaminade University of Honolulu with a B.A. in Historical and Political Studies and a minor in Psychology. Nearing the end of his military career, SFC Scott, and his family, will permanently settle in beautiful St. Petersburg, Florida where he intends to embark on a new career teaching high school history, economics, or government while working to complete his PhD in History focusing on Colonial America.
Military Experiences
Sep 2009 - Jul 2017
Community Outreach NCOIC
Recognized by multiple Commanding Generals for planning and coordinating all division / executive level senior leader engagements and community outreach, to include the Adopt-A-School Program, throughout coastal Georgia and the surrounding areas.
• Directed, and coordinated, support for more than 3000 community events with military and civilian agencies; ensuring events were nested with the commander’s vision and public affairs outreach program.
• Conducted daily liaison between office of the Commanding General and various political and economic leaders across Southeast Georgia.
• Developed the standards and training program for the Third Infantry Division Adopt-A-School Program; subsequently training more than 500 senior and junior leaders to interact with local educators and students
• Directed, and coordinated, support for more than 3000 community events with military and civilian agencies; ensuring events were nested with the commander’s vision and public affairs outreach program.
• Conducted daily liaison between office of the Commanding General and various political and economic leaders across Southeast Georgia.
• Developed the standards and training program for the Third Infantry Division Adopt-A-School Program; subsequently training more than 500 senior and junior leaders to interact with local educators and students
May 2003 - Sep 2009
Recruiting Station Commander
Commanded and supervised Army Recruiting Stations – trained, counseled, motivated, and evaluated the performance of more than 100 soldiers in the arts of sales and marketing.
• Led recruiting station to exceed assigned yearly objectives for three consecutive years earning the highest Army recruiting award – the “Glen E. Morrell Award”.
• Provided expert training and leadership to subordinates resulting in a 78% increase of the recruiting station’s annual market share.
• Recognized as a top station commander in the Cleveland Recruiting Battalion in both 2006 and 2007.
• Led recruiting station to exceed assigned yearly objectives for three consecutive years earning the highest Army recruiting award – the “Glen E. Morrell Award”.
• Provided expert training and leadership to subordinates resulting in a 78% increase of the recruiting station’s annual market share.
• Recognized as a top station commander in the Cleveland Recruiting Battalion in both 2006 and 2007.
(3 years, 1 month)Sep 2009 - Nov 2010

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Assigned to various positions throughout the Joint Operations Center on COB Speicher ranging from Battle NCO, Battle CPT, to JOC SGM.
Mar 1999 - Sep 1999

Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Foreign Language Skills
French (2+/4)
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character