77% Complete
2 Endorsements
12 Contacts
Influence Score: 3,708
637 out of 15,433 O-4s
637 out of 15,433 O-4s
Aeroscout Platoon Leader: 1-82 Attack/1-17 CAV, Fort Bragg, NC/Iraq (2004-2006) • S3 Training Officer: HSC, 3d MI BN (AE) (2007-2009) • Commander: HSC, 3d MI BN (AE) (2009-2010) • Commander: Alpha Company, UASTB (2010-2011) • CJ3-Air Current Operations Aviation Officer: CJTF-1, Bagram Airbase, Afghanistan (2011-2012) • Deputy Chief: Manned System Division, TCM IS (Present)