74% Complete
0 Endorsements
17 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,453
17,591 out of 867,937 Veterans
17,591 out of 867,937 Veterans
Recent Activity -
23 years US Air Force Satellite Communications
5 years EchoStar Satellite Communications
5+ years Hughes Network Systems Satellite Communications (an EchoStar Company)
Military Experiences
May 1992 - Jun 2005
During my military career, I held and assisted in several key positions. I held Secret and Top Secret security clearances, depending on mission requirements. Called to active military duty after the tragic events of September 11, 2001 in support of Operation “Noble Eagle” and traveled the US in support of Presidential and Vice-Presidential services.
*Satellite/Wideband Communications. NCOIC, Supervisor and Manager responsible for the overall management and operation of deployed GMF Satellite Earth Station equipment, personnel, associated test equipment and hardware.
*Systems Control. Responsible for all squadron communications work centers.
*Maintenance Control. Provide management control to monitor, coordinate and direct the use of manpower and materiel.
Feb 1978 - Jan 1988
Satellite Communications Specialist
*Crew Chief and Shift Supervisor. Served on various types of Satellite Communications terminals from small, highly mobile units to large strategic earth stations. I held a Secret security clearance. AN/FSC-78, AN/TSC-54, AN/TSC-100, AN/MSC-46, AN/GSC-52.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Personal Information