COL Ward Litzenberg

COL Ward Litzenberg

Dates of Service: Dec 1981 - May 2014
81% Complete
70 Contacts
Influence Score: 15,195
3,906 out of 868,090 Veterans
About Discussions


  • 2LT May 84
  • 1LT May 87
  • CPT May 91
  • MAJ Aug 98
  • LTC Dec 04
  • COL May 11
Commissioning Source:  ROTC, May 1984

Recent Activity  -


I have over twenty years of experience as an Operations Research Analyst focused on all facets of resource management and solving complex problems employing a wide range of analytical techniques and methods in the pursuit of improved decision-making and efficiency.

Military Experiences

May 2011 - May 2014
Team Chief, Army QDR Office
Senior Operations Research Analyst. Coordinate and synchronize the efforts of small teams of military and civilian personnel in the conduct of congressionally directed, OSD-led Quadrennial Roles and Missions and Defense Reviews. Coordinate and synchronize efforts to accomplish critical and time-sensitive tasks supporting the Deputy Chief of Staff for Programs (G-8), the Secretary of the Army, and the Chief of Staff of the Army. Liaison to Senior Department of the Army, Department of Defense and Joint Staff, coordinating Army Senior leader attendance at Deputy Secretary of Defense's Management Action Group meetings, Quadrennial Defense Review meetings, and Strategic Choices and Management Review meetings.
Jul 2007 - May 2011
Program Integration Branch Chief
Senior Operations Research Analyst. Coordinated and synchronized the efforts of small teams of military, civilian, and contractor personnel to integrate Army Reserve inputs during all phases of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) process. Monitored and reported on resource allocation and distribution within Army Reserve programs totaling over $9 billion in annual appropriations and over $56 billion over the Future Years Defense Program. Synchronized Army Reserve priorities and objectives across the Army Staff. Assisted in preparing the Army Reserve long-range resourcing strategy, coordinating program impacts based on Army and OSD guidance. Provided timely and accurate qualitative and quantitative analysis of Army Reserve programmatic initiatives.
Sep 2004 - Jul 2007
Program Analyst
Operations Research Analyst. Provided staff oversight for policy and analysis of programming, budgeting, and execution of resources in areas relating to the Army Reserve and National Guard force structure, military and civilian manpower, readiness, training, and operations. Monitored and reported on resource allocation and distribution within Reserve Component manpower programs totaling over $90 billion across the Future Years Defense Program and over 600K military and civilian personnel.
Jul 2001 - Sep 2004
Strength Manager
Operations Research Analyst. Determined, programmed, and managed Army Reserve accessions, initial entry training and end strength requirements. Synchronized Army Reserve manpower priorities and objectives with the HQDA, DoD, and congressional staffs. Consolidated annual manpower and diversity demographic statistics to the Department of the Army for inclusion in the Defense Manpower Data System and the Reserve Components Common Personnel Data System and the annual Army Reserve Posture Statement for Congress. Conducted primary analysis for Army Reserve Manpower programs and forecasted the impact of policy changes prior to and after implementation. Conducted "quick response" analysis of critical issues to support informed decision making by Army Reserve, HQDA, DoD and Congressional Leadership


(6 months)
Nov 2010 - Apr 2011
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Senior Operations Research (OR) Analyst. Handpicked to deploy to Afghanistan to perform a special five month TDY in support of Army Reserve Affairs (ARA), USFOR-A. Leveraged OR skills and extensive database design experience to create a fully functional database to improve Soldier accountability within a week of my arrival in theater.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Ended in 2010

Army War College DDE

1999 - 2001

Naval Postgraduate School - MS Operations Research

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter