97% Complete
31 Contacts
Influence Score: 11,271
436 out of 215,426 Civilians
About Discussions

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I started as a machinist/tool maker, did that for 20 years before getting into technical sales. In the machine shops, I quickly was recognized as a leader and ran several departments and was responsible for many other people, managed buildings and maintenance, and eventually processed work through the shop and managed country wide outsourcing of components. I now help companies with hydraulics


Academic Degrees

West Springfield High

Personal Information

Atv logo ATV89bac5f BikingCooking logo Cookingdod regional matchmaker conferencesharley davidsonshydraulics5ab7caaa MotorcyclesSnowmobile Snowmobilingspringfield technical community college
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter