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I have been a reporting specialist for about 20 years. The majority of this work occurred at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) where we used PeopleSoft HR software and Business Objects Reporting tools. Universes were created for PeopleSoft, the General Ledger and the Electronic Medical Records: MediPac™ Inpatient records and EPIC™ Outpatient records. I also created reports for PeopleSoft using the proprietary query tools provided within the PeopleSoft HR application. Vanderbilt University had many Business Objects Universes. While we could report on each universe separately for example General ledger month end, year-end reports, all reporting that combined information between Universes, such as the patient services rendered in EPIC with the General Ledger posted information, then had to be downloaded from each system separately and combined and analyzed elsewhere.

We used both Microsoft Access 2003 and 2007 and also Microsoft Excel for this reporting work. I was one of the few analysts that was able to use Business Objects XI (webi) programming features to create Primary Key data fields within the EPIC universe and General Ledger universe to create a Join on the Tables from different Universes. I also created new data fields to group the physicians in ways that were not possible in our PeopleSoft design. PeopleSoft would limit a provider (employee) to 1 Home Department, which is good, but it did not have a way to identify splits in time for situations where a provider saw patients in more than one Medical Specialty. While I was at VUMC, I started with version 6 of Business Objects (deski) and transitioned to Business Objects XI (webi). We had just started converting to SAP Business Objects in my last few years,

In later years at VUMC we also began using Tableau to create various reports that could show productivity measures. I had limited access to this reporting initiative, but I did get a few years of experience in using Tableau on my Desktop to create some of my own reports.

At Montefiore Children’s Hospital I was responsible for working with the various subject matter experts to combine data from Carecast and IDX electronic medical records as well as SQL databases created in Sybase and Oracle that were built to mirror the source data from the Carecast Inpatient data. I had access to the Database Administrators for each application so that I could get additional confirmation and advice on the SQL queries and validate my results. Montefiore was also in the process of creating the Universes for a new implementation of SAP Business Objects. I was one of those selected to start writing basic reports at that time, but since the Universes were not completed yet, I could not validate my results. I found that I was able to adapt to each situation and learn whatever was needed.



Jan 1994

National Contact Lens Examiners NCLE # A2242

Jan 1994

American Board of Opticianry ABO # 01322

Security Clearance
None / Expired


Academic Degrees

1972 - 1982

University of Nebraska – Lincoln

Bachelor's Degree, Mathematics

Personal Information

Analysis Analysisapologetics05e1f1b8 Information Technologymathematics and sciencemedical researchF3af5240 Military History31ce836a Reading


Sam Banuri

Civilian | Civilian Supporter

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- Overall leadership and character
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