63% Complete
0 Endorsements
5 Contacts
Influence Score: 5,698
8,965 out of 868,041 Veterans
8,965 out of 868,041 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Mar 1989 - Jun 1991
Special Projects Officer
Retirement Ceremony at Ft Meyer, VA.
Awarded Meritorious Service Medal (4th OLC) for end of service.
Awarded Meritorious Service Medal (4th OLC) for end of service.
Dec 1987 - Mar 1989
Research & Development Coordinator
Mar 1985 - Dec 1987
Chief, Force Development, G3/DPTM
Restructuring of 101st ABN
Restationing of 5th SF Group to Ft Campbell
On duty as post Officer of Day when the plane returning elements of 3-502 Task Force (my former unit) from its Sinai peace-keeping mission crashed in Gander, Canada.
Awarded Meritorious Service Medal (3rd OLC) for tour of duty at Ft Campbell.
Restationing of 5th SF Group to Ft Campbell
On duty as post Officer of Day when the plane returning elements of 3-502 Task Force (my former unit) from its Sinai peace-keeping mission crashed in Gander, Canada.
Awarded Meritorious Service Medal (3rd OLC) for tour of duty at Ft Campbell.
Jun 1984 - Mar 1985
Battalion Executive Officer
Commander of Troops for 3-502 IN Change of Command Ceremony: LTC Gilreath - LTC Jeffcoat, Jr.
(1 year, 1 month)Feb 1980 - Feb 1981

South Korea
Assigned 1st Bn (Mech) 17th Infantry at Camp Casey
Initially Battalion Asst S-3, deployed to Camp Greaves for 6-weeks DMZ duty.
Then Battalion S-4
Then Battalion Acting XO
Initially Battalion Asst S-3, deployed to Camp Greaves for 6-weeks DMZ duty.
Then Battalion S-4
Then Battalion Acting XO
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Ended in 1987
Material Acquisition Management Course
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees