LTC Steven Robert Alexander

LTC Steven Robert Alexander

Dates of Service: Nov 1983 - May 2011
53% Complete
35 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,468
27,034 out of 867,689 Veterans
About Discussions


  • 2LT 1985
  • 1LT 1987
  • CPT 1990
  • MAJ 1997
  • LTC 2003
Commissioning Source:  -

Recent Activity  -


I strive to entertain, educate and make people think through my writing. I have 12 novels out www.stevenralexander or better yet and barnes and Smashwords for digital versions of my books (more coming) The goal to be discovered as a writer and someday see my books in an airport bookstore and on the silver screen. HOOAH Steven Robert Alexander, Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) U.S. Army has been writing stories and books all of his life. His creativity and imagination allow him to write on all subject matters from sci-fi action adventure, vampire and classic monster genre, ghost stories, military adventure romances, chi


(1 year, 7 months)
Apr 2010 - Mar 2011
May 2004 - Nov 2004
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Two Tours Middle East 2004 Iraq, 8th Iraqi BDE SR Advisor, LOGCAP Tour 2010-2011 Awards Include Purple Heart and Combat Action Badge Iraq Tour Taji, Balad, Al Kasik Kuwait based Kuwait and Oman

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools