SGT Gene Bess

SGT Gene Bess

Dates of Service: Nov 1979 - Aug 1990
85% Complete
85 Contacts
Influence Score: 11,777
4,905 out of 868,090 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT Nov 79
  • PV2 Mar 80
  • PFC Aug 80
  • SPC Oct 81
  • SGT Jul 84

Recent Activity  -


A full-service independent emergency management consulting firm specializing in partnering with established
and emerging organizations including, major security firms, private firms, non-profit organizations and local
government agencies, to shape strategy and build security and safety capacity.

Military Experiences

Mar 1987 - Aug 1990
562nd EN
Detachment Commander/ Military Fire Chief
Routinely supervise 24 or more firefighters and oversaw fire department training.
Managed, trained, supervised and disciplined personnel; assigned and prepared work schedules, established work standards; and evaluated employee performance and maintain an operational deployment readiness standard.
Liaison between the military firefighting detachments and the garrison post fire department.
Coordinate a monthly average of 35-50 rescues and fire suppression operations.
Respond to life-threatening emergencies, fires, rescue operations, flooding, vehicle and aircraft accidents.
Assess fire-related situations and communicate with crew and supervisor on emergency action plans.
Provide emergency medical services as required, and perform light to heavy rescue functions at emergencies.
Mar 1985 - Mar 1987
6th ID
Station Captain/ Emergency Medical Technician II
Routinely supervise 12 or more firefighters and oversaw fire department training.
Managed, trained, supervised and disciplined personnel; assigned and prepared work schedules, established work standards; and evaluated employee performance and maintain an operational deployment readiness standard.
Liaison between the military firefighting detachments and the garrison post fire department.
Coordinate a monthly average of 35-50 rescues and fire suppression operations.
Respond to life-threatening emergencies, fires, rescue operations, flooding, vehicle and aircraft accidents.
Assess fire-related situations and communicate with crew and supervisor on emergency action plans.
Provide emergency medical services as required, and perform light to heavy rescue functions at emergencies.
Jan 1983 - Mar 1985
Senior Helicopter Rescue Specialist
Routinely supervise 1 Helicopter Rescue Specialist and 1 Flight Medic .
Managed, trained, supervised and disciplined personnel; assigned and prepared work schedules, established work standards; and evaluated employee performance and maintain an operational deployment readiness standard.
Liaison between the military firefighting detachments and the garrison post fire department.
Coordinate a monthly average of 35-50 Crash Rescue operations.
Respond to life-threatening emergencies, fires, rescue operations, flooding, vehicle and aircraft accidents.
Assess fire-related situations and communicate with crew and supervisor on emergency action plans.
Provide emergency medical services as required, and perform light to heavy rescue functions at emergencies.
Dec 1981 - Dec 1983
Firefighter/ Driver Operator

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

May 1980 - Jul 1980

Louis F. Garland Fire Academy, Chanute AFB, IL

Individual & Special Skill Schools


Primary Leadership Course, Fort Benning, GA

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1985 - 1987

University of Alaska System

Associate Degree, Emergency Medical Services

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter