34% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 120
207,641 out of 868,074 Veterans
207,641 out of 868,074 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Sep 2009 - Sep 2013
Help-Desk Support
Provides IT support/guidance to IMS Divisional Systems Administrators (DSAs). Supports the ISMT hotline and assists DSAs in first line support of IMS customers as needed. Installs, troubleshoots and maintains/upgrades IMS workstations and associated peripherals (i.e. printers, scanners, backup up devices etc).
Installs and supports Internet and EAPC network workstations. Installs, troubleshoots, maintains/upgrades client software. Maintains and troubleshoots software/hardware and related problems.
Maintained, upgraded and performed backups for 5 servers
Created and deployed 500 WIN-XP
Installs and supports Internet and EAPC network workstations. Installs, troubleshoots, maintains/upgrades client software. Maintains and troubleshoots software/hardware and related problems.
Maintained, upgraded and performed backups for 5 servers
Created and deployed 500 WIN-XP
Feb 2002 - Sep 2006
IT Supervisor
Operated the Navy’s ELF, VLF, LF, HF, UHF, and SHF systems equipment and associated peripheral equipment, processed FLASH, CRITIC, LIMDIS, PERSONAL FOR, various classified message traffic, and other specially designated messages to their commanding officers shipboard and the associated chain of command.
Maintained specific job designations, including the operation of satellite and Demand Assigned Multiple Access (DAMA) ship-to-shore multiplex systems and the Naval Modular Automated Satellite Information Exchange System (NAVMACS), which is the ship-to-shore satellite system.
Maintained specific job designations, including the operation of satellite and Demand Assigned Multiple Access (DAMA) ship-to-shore multiplex systems and the Naval Modular Automated Satellite Information Exchange System (NAVMACS), which is the ship-to-shore satellite system.
Jan 1994 - Sep 1998
Military Credentials
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher