MSG Daryl Newton

MSG Daryl Newton

Dates of Service: Sep 1992 - May 2015
62% Complete
0 Endorsements
19 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,619
24,718 out of 864,869 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT
  • PV2 Sep 92
  • PFC Sep 93
  • SPC Jan 94
  • SGT May 96
  • SSG May 99
  • SFC May 07
  • MSG Aug 12

Recent Activity  -


(2 years)
Jan 2003 - Aug 2003
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
The Invasion 3rd BDE Combat Team Kelly Hill. Rock support Medical Platoon SGT
Mar 2002 - Nov 2002
Operation Desert Spring (ODS)
Prep for War "3rd BDE Combat team" 3rd Infantry Division "Sledge Hammer" Rock Support Medical Platoon SGT
Sep 1999 - Mar 2000
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Forward Aid Station NCOIC 1/16 Infantry "Iron Rangers" Fort Riley KS
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
MiTT'ed Up!! 32 Brigade/Battalion MiTT Team NCOIC

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

May 1996 - Jun 1996

Primary Leadership Development Course (Fort Benning GA)

May 1995 - Jun 1995

Junior Primary Leadership Development Course (Fort McClellan AL)

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jun 2007 - Sep 2007

Mar 2003 - Aug 2003

Combat Medic Badge

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2009 - 2012

Personal Information
