50% Complete
0 Endorsements
9 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,247
30,656 out of 867,508 Veterans
30,656 out of 867,508 Veterans
Recent Activity -
I currently volunteering at the Dayton VAMC in several areas like Rehabilitation Service Supply Room, Patient education and Veterans Industries computer lab. I am also the Secretary for V-MAC of Dayton (Veterans Mental health Advocacy Council. Also serve on the PFF planning committee for AVHC. Have
Military Experiences
Jun 1984 - Jan 1988
Training NCO, Company Clerk, Squad Leader,
Started as a rifleman/platoon radio operator in 3rd platoon and filled every infantry fire team position including fire team leader. I served as a squad leader in 3rd Platoon then was moved to Headquarters Platoon as Training NCO and Company Clerk and then also served as Platoon Sergeant until discharge.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Jul 1988 - Aug 1988
NCO School