60% Complete
0 Endorsements
7 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,064
35,114 out of 865,948 Veterans
35,114 out of 865,948 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Dec 1987 - Jul 1989
Ambulance Driver
With medical training now one of the highest priorities, medics were trained with infantry soldiers, learning how to best use the lay of the land for their protection and that of the wounded soldier. The titles of First-Aid Man, Hospital Orderly, Litter Bearer or Ambulance Driver became part of the Classification of Military Occupational Specialty, or MOS 657. Based on ability, education, training, intelligence, aptitude, occupational history, military experience and other demonstrated qualifications, the MOS number was awarded to the medical student. That information was carefully recorded so that each individual’s skills would be evaluated and assigned accordingly to the duties of most value to the armed forces. When I was in, it was 91A10
(7 months)Jan 1991 - Jul 1991
Saudi Arabia
During the buildup of forces prior to the Gulf War, our team built observation posts along the Kuwaiti-Saudi border to gather intelligence on Iraqi forces. Our first ground engagement was near observation post 4, when we lost the city of Khafji, on January 30, 1991. The city was recaptured by coalition forces two days later.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information