52% Complete
0 Endorsements
4 Contacts
Influence Score: 571
63,623 out of 868,063 Veterans
63,623 out of 868,063 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Transitioning after 22+ years of service. Accomplished leader, with experience as an operations officer, planner, and strategic analyst. Global deployments in support of combat operations, no-fly zone enforcement, and HA/DR missions. Led joint and combined teams with superior results aboard carriers, at joint headquarters, and in Afghanistan. A proven critical thinker with high-tech expertise.
Military Experiences
Dec 2011 - Jun 2015
Strategic Analyst, Commander's Action Group
- Commander's primary advisor on transition to post-2014 Afghanistan mission.
- Directed cross-directorate teams in preparing geopolitical analyses and assessments of military-to-military relationships in the CENTCOM AOR.
- Personally advised the Commander during preparation for engagements with foreign heads of state and military leaders, National Security Council meetings, and conferences with SECDEF, CJCS, and ISAF Commander.
- Prepared Commander's executive correspondence and annual Comprehensive Joint Assessments.
- Originated strike reporting format for counter-ISIL operations.
- Led preparation for Commander's participation in SECDEF leadership conferences and CJCS strategic seminars.
- Authored Central and South Asia sections of annual posture statements.
- Directed cross-directorate teams in preparing geopolitical analyses and assessments of military-to-military relationships in the CENTCOM AOR.
- Personally advised the Commander during preparation for engagements with foreign heads of state and military leaders, National Security Council meetings, and conferences with SECDEF, CJCS, and ISAF Commander.
- Prepared Commander's executive correspondence and annual Comprehensive Joint Assessments.
- Originated strike reporting format for counter-ISIL operations.
- Led preparation for Commander's participation in SECDEF leadership conferences and CJCS strategic seminars.
- Authored Central and South Asia sections of annual posture statements.
Dec 2010 - Dec 2011
Chief of Plans & Assessments / Defense Ministry Advisor, Deputy Commander - Army
- Directed a 28-member NATO advisor team in the Afghan Ministry of Defense, developing ministerial and staff strategic planning, policy development, and programming capabilities.
- Personally mentored the Assistant Minister of Defense for Strategy & Policy, his Deputy, and the General Staff G5 Director.
- Lead planner and assessor for Afghan Army development, training, and reorganization.
- Generated the comprehensive development plan for the 195,000-member Afghan Army, including final fielding, basing, and transition to steady-state Afghan leadership of all combat operations.
- Authored Army portions of two reports on Afghanistan stability and security progress to Congress, quarterly transition and provincial outlook reports, and quarterly strategic assessments.
- Personally mentored the Assistant Minister of Defense for Strategy & Policy, his Deputy, and the General Staff G5 Director.
- Lead planner and assessor for Afghan Army development, training, and reorganization.
- Generated the comprehensive development plan for the 195,000-member Afghan Army, including final fielding, basing, and transition to steady-state Afghan leadership of all combat operations.
- Authored Army portions of two reports on Afghanistan stability and security progress to Congress, quarterly transition and provincial outlook reports, and quarterly strategic assessments.
Jun 2006 - Oct 2009
Chief of Plans, Training, & Exercises, National Airborne Operations Center
- Created and implemented streamlined operational procedures and a new training program for nuclear weapons command and control and continuity of operations programs.
- Led cross-functional development and execution of complex, multi-aircraft, multi-day global C2 exercises (PINNACLE, GLOBAL LIGHTNING, & GLOBAL THUNDER) for three 20-member battle staffs, including sustainment operations.
- Generated detailed assessments of requirements for an analysis of alternatives study for replacement of four E-4B aircraft ($890 million in capital assets).
- Developed inputs to the National Military Command System transformation process.
- Developed measures of performance and effectiveness and implemented the Defense Readiness & Reporting System for the National Airborne Operations Center.
- Led cross-functional development and execution of complex, multi-aircraft, multi-day global C2 exercises (PINNACLE, GLOBAL LIGHTNING, & GLOBAL THUNDER) for three 20-member battle staffs, including sustainment operations.
- Generated detailed assessments of requirements for an analysis of alternatives study for replacement of four E-4B aircraft ($890 million in capital assets).
- Developed inputs to the National Military Command System transformation process.
- Developed measures of performance and effectiveness and implemented the Defense Readiness & Reporting System for the National Airborne Operations Center.
Oct 2003 - Jun 2005
Operations Officer
- Directed operations of a 180-member aircraft carrier-based squadron during its transition from training to a short-notice operational deployment aboard USS Abraham Lincoln to the Western Pacific.
- Developed and executed an innovative training and operations model that rapidly increased readiness levels.
- Organized 20 humanitarian assistance teams supporting Operation UNIFIED ASSISTANCE Indonesia tsunami disaster relief efforts.
- Led squadron detachment to Operation COPE TIGER, Khorat Air Base, Thailand.
- Developed and executed an innovative training and operations model that rapidly increased readiness levels.
- Organized 20 humanitarian assistance teams supporting Operation UNIFIED ASSISTANCE Indonesia tsunami disaster relief efforts.
- Led squadron detachment to Operation COPE TIGER, Khorat Air Base, Thailand.
(4 years, 4 months)Jan 2011 - Dec 2011

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Chief of Plans & Assessments / Defense Ministry Advisor, Deputy Commander - Army, NATO Training Command - Afghanistan, deployed to Camp Eggers, Kabul, Afghanistan
Oct 2004 - Mar 2005
Western Pacific
Operations Officer, Electronic Attack Squadron 131 (VAQ-131) Lancers, Carrier Air Wing TWO (CVW-2), embarked aboard USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN (CVN 72)
Jul 2002 - May 2003
Persian/Arabian Gulf
Electronic Warfare Officer, Commander, Cruiser-Destroyer Group THREE (CCDG-3), ABRAHAM LINCOLN Carrier Battle Group, embarked aboard USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN (CVN 72)
Jun 1998 - Nov 1998
Electronic Warfare Coordination Cell Watch Officer, Combined Air Operations Center, NATO 5 Allied Tactical Air Force
Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Jun 1996 - Jul 1996
Navy & Marine Corps Legal Officer Course
Aug 1994 - May 1995
Electronic Attack Squadron 129 (VAQ-129) Vikings - Fleet Replacement Squadron Training
Apr 1994 - Jul 1994
Aviation Electronic Warfare
Nov 2010
Joint Qualified Officer
Nov 2010
National Security (Subspecialist - 2000P)
Aug 2007
Emergency Actions - White House Military Office
Jul 2006
Academic Support - History (Subspecialist - 4302P)
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees