GySgt David LeManske

GySgt David LeManske

Dates of Service: Jun 1982 - Mar 1999
42% Complete
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Influence Score: 736
50,412 out of 867,941 Veterans
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  • Pvt
  • PFC
  • LCpl
  • Cpl
  • Sgt
  • SSgt
  • GySgt

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I joined 1982 as a machinegunner. I participated in operation "Urgent Fury" in Grenada with 2/8 and then relieved 1/8 after the bombing of the BLT in Lebanon. I was then assigned to Charlie Co. LAV battalion for my last 3 months. I then joined reserves in Topeka Ks. where I attended NCO, Staff and advanced schools ranking in top 5 in all of them. Unit MOS changed causing retirement at 17 years.

Military Experiences

Oct 1985 - Mar 1999
Platoon Sergeant
Combat action award twice-Grenada & Lebanon 1983-84 NCO school, Staff NCO school, Advanced course ranked top 5 in all of them Mountain warfare trng, cold weather trng, summer operations and warrior trng Awards to include Meritorious Service & Navy Achievement Staff NCOIC of training for unit gaining experience and causing block training for unit expertise and skill. Initiated, coordinated and delegated Marines to participate in community events in ran down areas of the city to assist in reducing fear of crime and actual crime through quality of life initiatives addressing blight from trash, weeds and debris and the Toys for Tots program.