33% Complete
0 Endorsements
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Influence Score: 199
170,982 out of 868,041 Veterans
170,982 out of 868,041 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Aug 2008 - Jan 2011
Senior Marine Inspector
Travelling Inspector; Independent work of an international nature. Inspects US flagged vessels to the standards set forth in U.S. law and associated International Conventions & conducts Marine Casualty Investigations. Also performs Port State functions upon request of foreign flagged vessels, vetting vessels fitness for entry to U.S waters. (issues Certificate of Compliance on behalf of The United States of America).
Jun 2007 - Aug 2008
Executive Officer
Supervised a military detachment of 7 people in a remote post of the Aleutian Islands. Resident Marine Inspector. Port State Control Officer. Issued Captain of the Port Orders and Detentions. Managed oil spill investigations and oil spill clean up response. Sole inspector in the Aleutian islands for a merchant fleet of single hulled oil (D & O) barges.
Aug 2004 - Jun 2007
Marine Inspector
Evaluation and acceptance of shipyard repair and new construction in the area of responsibility covered by the Captain of the Port Zone New Orleans; from the Mississippi River Entrance to Baton Rouge. Team member for inspections of Offshore Production Platforms & Drill Rigs. Port State Control Officer; issued Captain of the Port Orders and Detentions. Supervised salvage operations in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina.
Sep 1998 - Aug 2004
Deck Department Head
Deck Watch Officer (Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch), Navigational Aids, Small Weapons Instructor, Polar Region Icebreaking & Ice Pilotage. Small vessel operations, Ship/Helicopter operations. Depth in supervisory role; Department Head of a 42 person Department, professional evaluation of Department members, and daily tasking. Managed 800K annual budget.
(2 years, 5 months)Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees