Marilyn O'Hearne Ma, Mcc

Marilyn O'Hearne Ma, Mcc

84% Complete
100 Contacts
Influence Score: 13,137
345 out of 215,448 Civilians
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Culturally Intelligent Executive Leadership & Mentor Coach, Speaker, Workshop Facilitator,Trainer, Writer, Blogger Weekly energizer for leaders
I delight in developing leaders, and thus, their organizations' Quadruple Bottom Line. I quickly assess a situation and co-develop a plan with my clients to achieve and sustain their goals based on their vision, values, and purpose.

International Experience

(4 months)
Jul 2014 - Oct 2014
Southeast Asia
Coached, trained and presented in Indonesia (Advanced Diploma in Deep Transformational Coaching), Australia, New Zealand and Korea; with an additional stop in Japan to meet clients.
South America
In my 2 years as a trailing spouse, I served as interim Director of Education for a nonprofit, wrote feature articles for the Brazil Herald/Latin American Daily Post, and taught English and English Composition at the Uniao Cultural dos Estados Unidos e Brasil
As an Adjunct Professor for a US University, I taught International Business and Organizational Behavior in Hong Kong and Malaysia



Dec 2005

Master Certified Coach, International Coach Federation

Foreign Language Skills

Portuguese (Brazilian/European



How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter