62% Complete
0 Endorsements
6 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,395
28,130 out of 868,090 Veterans
28,130 out of 868,090 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Senior attorney with extensive experience in various aspects of the law, including litigation, claim development and evaluation, contract formation/evaluation, negotiations, and personnel management. Former assistant public defender and criminal defense attorney. Certified VA claims attorney and volunteer for ABA Veterans Claims Assistance Network and Military Pro Bono Project.
Military Experiences
Dec 1993 - May 1997
Instructor; MM1(SW)
Engineering instructor in the 1200 PSI mock up plant. Selected for Enlisted Education Advancement Program and completed bachelor's degree while stationed at Newport.
Jan 1990 - Oct 1993
Reactor department conventional machinist mate working in main machinery rooms; also transfer to Engineering department to Steam Heat shop as LPO, a/c mechanic, and 3M coordinator for shop.
Apr 1987 - Dec 1989
Machinist's Mate (MM)
MM3 working in Engineering department, main machinery room; also served as master at arms onboard for 1988 Mediterranean cruise.
(7 months)Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Apr 1990 - Jun 1990
Air Conditioning & Refrigeration "C" school
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees