Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Dec 2013 - Apr 2015
Maintenance Chief
Maintain oversight on the workflow efficiency and continuity of four companies consisting of maintenance and logistics, scheduled and unscheduled services reports. and repair of a fleet composed of over 280 vehicles and combat systems to include 31 MBT/OPFOR Surrogate Vehicles-Tank (OSV-T), 95 M113A3s, six M88A1s Recovery Vehicles, four ITAS Missile Systems, 34 Javelins Command Launch Units (CLU), 149 heavy and light wheels vehicles and over 2,000 small arms and night visions devices valued in excess of over $100 million dollars; directs all shop office operations such as production control, Class IX ordering, authorized stockage listing (ASL), combined man hour accounting, STAMIS actions and reports; responsible for the professional development and training for 21 NCOs and 26 Soldiers.
(1 year, 1 month)Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Security Clearance
Personal Information