COL Jeff Morris

COL Jeff Morris

Dates of Service: Jul 1980 - Jul 2014
50% Complete
14 Contacts
Influence Score: 3,209
14,053 out of 868,090 Veterans
About Discussions


  • 2LT May 84
  • 1LT May 87
  • CPT Jun 90
  • MAJ May 97
  • LTC Dec 02
  • COL Mar 09
Commissioning Source:  ROTC, May 1984

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Mar 2013 - Jan 2014
Director, Contracting Enabler Cell
First director of the team, provided program direction, objectives, strategies and evaluations. Created processes and champions to oversee more than $4 billion of contracts resulting in more than a 90% increase in contract oversight and reporting within 9 months. Developed and implemented program to train contracting advisors; supported and taught at defense acquisition training institute leading to increased success in organic Afghanistan contracts.
Provided feedback and recommended proposed legislation affecting procurement and acquisition policies and directives ensuring that the combat theater concerns were addressed.
Jul 2012 - Mar 2013
Fort Sam Houston
Chief of Staff
Provide day to day supervision of the staff, assigning work to directors and team members based on priority, difficulty, and capability. Eliminated duplicative efforts and cut the 170-person staff by 15% while retaining contract reviews and oversight of the 1500-person organization. Led the 20% reduction in the headquarters portion of the $170 annual budget with consistent oversight for the $7 billion procurement budget using innovative tools and stakeholder support.
Established a focused training program for interns and newly assessed military personnel to reduce the time for successful integration into the contracting career field by up to a third while addressing gaps. Successfully integrated more than 250 military into the organization. Revised internal communications strategy.
Jun 2009 - Jul 2012
412th CSB
Brigade Commander
Stood up the largest organization of this type in the DoD. Direct commander to 5 subordinate battalions and more than 50 teams spread across the continental US. Served as primary staff for Army North and established Contracting Ready Teams capable of deploying anywhere in the United States within 24 hours.
Directed and led the establishment of a multi-service, multi-component training exercise to validate contracting professionals’ skills in contingency contracting and operational contract support.
Jun 2008 - May 2009
Executive Officer
• Coordinated the review of acquisition strategies and policies for the Army including the 12 Program Executive Offices while managing the career program for the 12,000 acquisition professionals.
• Reviewed controversial and complex contracting issues providing the Deputy with proposed solutions that had been vetted with the Deputy Assistant Secretary (Procurement) and Program Executives.
• Provided regular insight and advice to the Principal Deputy on acquisition policy and directives including feedback on proposed legislative changes.
• Managed the schedule and correspondence for the senior uniformed executive in the field to satisfy dozens of competing tasks from Congress, the Secretary of the Army and Chief of Staff of the Army.

Military Credentials

Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter