60% Complete
0 Endorsements
2 Contacts
Influence Score: 838
44,807 out of 867,508 Veterans
44,807 out of 867,508 Veterans
Recent Activity -
20 Years in the US Air Force. Basic, Lackland AFB, TX; Tech School, Avionics Instruments, Chanute AFB, IL, Shaw AFB, SC to get trained to 5 level and sent to VietNam, Tan Son Hhut AB; Charleston AFB, Il; McGuire AFB,NJ; HQ MAC, Scott AFB, IL; Lackland for Security Police Academy ;Vandenberg AFB, CA; NATO Assignment, Naples Italy; Travis AFB, CA; USAF Recruiting Service; Lowry AFB,CO
(1 year, 1 month)May 1969 - May 1970
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees