58% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 286
131,027 out of 867,346 Veterans
131,027 out of 867,346 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Father Ret SFC Alva Cox was with the 507th Avionics Company at Ft Bragg and started
my interest in electronics. Studying the Bible on personal time got me into reading.
Lifetime student who is still studying college courses online from MIT, Berkely and
other "Open Courseware" sites.
Wish to work and improve until I'm dead. I've been out of work too long, so I know
retirement's for the birds.
Military Experiences
Nov 1976 - Sep 1979
ROMAD (TACP Special Ops)
Trained for Liaison/ Tactical air support and control for the Army. Specifically the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions.
Nov 1975 - Apr 1976
Ground Radio Communications Equipment Repairman
Tech school for Ground Radio AFSC 30434
Airman Leadership School
(1 month)Oct 1977
Kitzengen, Ger.
TDY for annual NATO "Operation Re-forger"
Fort Irwin
TDY Desert Training Exercise, "Solid Shield"
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
University of South Carolina
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees