58% Complete
0 Endorsements
2 Contacts
Influence Score: 779
47,950 out of 866,628 Veterans
47,950 out of 866,628 Veterans
Recent Activity -
I am always looking for a challenge. I have mastered every position that I have held quickly and efficiently. Therefore I am usually training others. I am currently the Station Training Cooridinator at United Airlines in DCA because of my knoweledge, experience, and professionalism. I credit my short Navy career for all of my success.
Military Experiences
Aug 1987 - Sep 1988
Disbursing Clerk
Performed military pay for squadron members. Assisted other squadron members and NAS Brunswick members.
Oct 1985 - Aug 1987
Disbursing Clerk
Performed military pay for USNA/NAVSUPDET/NAVHOSP Annapolis members. I also processed travel claims.
Oct 1983 - Aug 1985
I worked in I-Div. I greeted new shipmates and got them oriented with the ship, got them settled into their prospective divisions. I also assisted the PAO Div. I worked and ran the Ship TV and Radio station, was ships photographer, andworked on ships newletter. I also assisted the Career Counselor who wa sin charge of our Div.
(1 year, 2 months)Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Aug 1985 - Oct 1985
Disbursing Clerk A School
Security Clearance