50% Complete
0 Endorsements
4 Contacts
Influence Score: 921
40,375 out of 867,349 Veterans
40,375 out of 867,349 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Partner in Counselor Realty, specializing in residential properties. My designations include CIAS Certified Investment Agent Specialist and a CDPE Certified Distressed Property Expert, CRS Certified Residential Specialist, SRES Super Real Estate Specialist only 700 in Minnesota chosen by my clients. My education serves my clients.
I serve my clients and only do what is in their best interest.
Military Experiences
Jan 1964 - Apr 1965
Apr 1962 - Feb 1964
Begin as a deck ape, serve in Mount 51 a 5" 38, ran boats, handled line, chipped and painted, swabbed decks. I saw the Storekeepers were clean and did get as dirty so I applied. Ran the after store, promoted to Commissary store keeper in charge of the ships food and budgets.