SGT Jason Murphy

SGT Jason Murphy

Dates of Service: Nov 1990 - Jan 2012
85% Complete
37 Contacts
Influence Score: 10,079
5,655 out of 864,904 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC
  • SGT Apr 04

Recent Activity  -


Born 31 January 1972, Baltimore, MD. Current residence: San Antonio, TX Entered US Army 7 June 1991. Retired 31 January 2012. Duty stations Ft. Hood, Lee, Jackson, Carson, Baumholder Germany, Korea. Deployments, Iraq and Afghanistan

Military Experiences

Jan 2010 - Jan 2012
Jan 2009 - Dec 2009
Jan 2008 - Dec 2008


(5 years, 10 months)
Dec 2006 - Dec 2007
South korea
Jan 2005 - Dec 2005
Iraq ribbon
Nov 2002 - Feb 2004
South korea

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools

Aug 1992 - Sep 1992

Recovery School H8

Security Clearance
None / Expired

Academic Degrees
