SPC David Sheehan

SPC David Sheehan

Dates of Service: Jan 1990 - Sep 1997
68% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 990
37,544 out of 864,948 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC Jan 90
  • SPC Apr 90

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My goals are much more simpler these days. I want my business to do good enough to take care of me and my family. I want to be able to wake up and be able to keep control of my PTSD. I want my kids to do better than I have these are probably the same goals of every man and woman out there no more no less. Worked as a Boilermaker with Local 101 on fossil fuel power plants for approx 16 years. Then after having both my hips replaced due to the blood vessels that feed the femur head dieing off it caused the femur head to die and collapse on itself. After that I started my own business as a small engine mechanic working on lawn mowers and things to that nature.

Military Experiences

Mar 1992 - Jan 1993
1-35 AR
Supply Specialist (S4)
Requisition supplies for the whole Battalion, pick up trophies and what knots for company and battalion parties, preform maintenance on the S-4 M577 to make sure it was ready for field maneuvers, fill out daily reports, and run gunnery ranges as needed. Left the military early due to the fact I did not feel like I was doing what I was trained to do which was operate the M1A1 Tank and they would not grant me a 4187 to go to a new base so I could go back on tanks.
Mar 1990 - Jul 1990
2-70 AR (CAB)
Tank Gunner
Become familiar with the firing systems on the M1A1 Heavy in a timely manner. Be able to score at least a 700 out of a possible 1000 on tank table VIII. Be able to inspire those under me and teach those under me the maintenance of the tank, and be able to delegate authority to those under me as to what I wanted accomplished. Also during this time frame I had to not only get my tank buddies ready but get myself ready for the upcoming war in the Pershing Gulf A.K.A. Desert Shield/Desert Storm.


(1 year, 8 months)
Jul 1990 - Feb 1992
Southwest asia ribbon
Operation Desert Shield/Storm
Drive, load and fire the M1A1 Heavy during operation Desert Storm. After the war I was also on the peace keeping force after the war. My job was to man the gunners position and to survey the boarder for insurgents plus protect the ones their to oversee the destruction of the weapons of mass destruction.

Military Credentials

Foreign Language Skills
Security Clearance
Top Secret

Academic Degrees
