Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Feb 2009 - Sep 2009
Maintenance Management Officer
Serving as the HQ BN MMO responsible for the effectiveness of the maintenance program within the command and to ensure that command attention is commensurate with maintenance's impact on the unit mission. Provide Standing Operating Procedures (SOP’s) to direct unit efforts in support of the command maintenance program. Established an effective training program was established that addressed the MIMMS functional areas for 0411’s that also included operators, technicians, clerical, and supervisory personnel.
Sep 2003 - Oct 2004
Road Master/CGRI Inspector
An expert in his field, was hand picked by Division Senior Motor Transport OCCFLD sponsor to perform duties as Subject Matter Expert (SME) for the Commanding Generals Logistics Readiness Inspections and Functional Area 591 (FA591) Analysis Program. Served as mentor/trainer for motor transport maintenance chiefs. Served as Division Road Master to enforce movement control, Transportaion safety, and speed enforcement for Tactical and Non-Tactical Government Vehicles. Coordinated with State and local agencies for tactical vehicle convoy’s along with the Unit Movement Control Center (UMCC) for deconfliction of multi-convoy movements across state highways for training exercises (in and out of state) to include UDP movements to point of debarkation.
(1 year, 8 months)Jul 2008 - Jan 2009

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
JTF101 Individual Augment to 101st AB DIV as CJ4 JOC Bridge LNO. Responsible for movement of Fallen Heroes from battlefield to MACP Dover MD. In addition to monitoring and reporting on all Cls I-IX supplies levels. Deconfliction of NATO & Coalition forces CLS - III GLOC movements.
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees