Recent Activity -
Bealls Incorporated. Supervisor of Security,
Department of Juvenile Justice, Shift Commander
Watkins Motor Lines Incorporated, Supervisor of Corporate Security
Walden Security Incorporated, Training Manager/Investigator
Milwaukee Police Department, Detective
Department of Juvenile Justice, Shift Commander
Watkins Motor Lines Incorporated, Supervisor of Corporate Security
Walden Security Incorporated, Training Manager/Investigator
Milwaukee Police Department, Detective
Military Experiences
Senior Advisor
Senior Advisor, 4th Bde(OSUT), 84th Div(Tng)
First Sergeant
As Staff Sergeant(P) I was assigned to the 1sg position. Provided guidance to the Commander, assisted with training of ROTC Cadets, Supervised Unit Administration and kept the CO appraised of the training status, troop status and morale of the company. Handled the leadership and professional development of Non-Commissioned officers, managed the promotable soldiers within the company, as well as the daily responsibilities of running the company, commonly known as "Sergeant's Business". Sergeant business was strictly accomplished without the input or interference of commissioned officers, such as the company commander, XO or platoon leaders.
(5 months)Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Pre-Commission Course
Senior NCO Course
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Started in Jan 1970
4th US Army Advisor Course
Unit Administration System Manager Course
Transportation Corp Truck Masters Course
Detention Juvenile Officer Certification
American Heart Association First Aid &CPR Certification
American Heart Association AED Certification
1st Aid/CPR Certification American Heart Association
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Started in 1991
United States Drug Enforcement Administration
Job/Skill Training, Narcotics Officer Investigation Course
Milwaukee Police Department Basic Law Enforcement Training