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194 out of 215,375 Civilians
About Discussions

Recent Activity  -


I am the General Manager and principal Italian linguist for the Italian Translations Company, LLC. After working for over two decades as an Italian conference interpreter, including a few stints as interpreter for the President of the United States and the President of Italy, I now mostly specialize in providing Italian translations, that is, written documents rather than the spoken word

International Experience

(3 months)
Mar 2015 - May 2015
Torbole sul Garda
Interpreter for "Thank You America and Allies", a celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the end of World War II in Italy that took on 2 May in Torbole del Garda which saw the attendance, among others, of Philip Cuccia, Army Attache at the US Embassy in Rome & officials. I manage the FB page: www.facebook.com/ThankYouAmericaCommittee




US State Department Conference Interpreter & Translator

Foreign Language Skills


Italian (3+/3)

Security Clearance


Academic Degrees

1988 - 1990

University of Trento, Italy

Master's Degree, International Economics & Finance

1984 - 1988

U. of Trento - Economics. Ranked No.1 in Italy

Bachelor's Degree, International Economics & Finance
