SFC Dr. Fred Lockard

SFC Dr. Fred Lockard

Dates of Service: May 1981 - Jun 2001
48% Complete
3 Contacts
Influence Score: 11,954
4,814 out of 866,627 Veterans
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  • PVT
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  • PFC
  • SPC
  • SGT
  • SSG
  • SFC

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I have PhD in counseling. I am a certified trauma therapist. I worked for the VA for many years in Vet Centers treating vets suffering from combat and military sexual trauma-related PTSD. I also worked for the Army as a SARC then as an ADCO-briefly. I left federal service altogether and retired for good in March 2017. My current academic interests include how chronic pain and PTSD interact.

Military Experiences

1999 - 2001
Battalion CBRN NCO
My last active duty unit. This is the unit I retired from in 2001
1996 - 1999
Battalion CBRN NCO
Deployed to Bosnia.
1995 - 1996
10th SFG(A)
Group Chemical Det NCOIC
Ran the NBC detachment in the 10th special forces group. Helped to facilitate the move to the new compound at Fort Carson
1994 - 1995

Academic Degrees

Personal Information

i love fast cars - i have a 715 hp ford cobra mustang - a 400 hp porsche macan - and a 340 hp audi. i love sport shooting and gun collecting. i like being outdoors and away from people.