Recent Activity -
Enlisted Regular Army Sept. 21 1965 Ft. Polk La., BCT E-1-5 Basic Training Brigade- Infantry AIT Ft. Dix. N.J. Finished AIT in January 1966-Ft. Dix Unassigned till Aprik 1966- Ft. Meade April 1966 to August 1966 11th. Armored Cavalry Regiment. Deployed to Vietnam August 1966 C Troop, 2nd. Platoon, Rifle Squad-Career ending wound December 2nd. 1966, Lost eye, featured spine, last some of skull and other assorted injuries with an explosive blast just in front of me.
Military Experiences
Apr 1966 - Dec 1966
Sp4 Rifleman, rifle squad was short bodied I became a Squad lead de facto and lead patrols day and night. Under fire almost daily.