Mustafa Khan
92% Complete
0 Endorsements
19 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,181
2,111 out of 215,277 Civilians
2,111 out of 215,277 Civilians
Recent Activity -
As a professional Security Specialist, Tactician and Strategist having served 5 years & 5 Month in the Special Service Group, Pakistan Army and having been in the security industry over the last 3 years, I have been able to work in some of the world’s most uncomfortable and socially demanding environments over the last decade in both peacekeeping and warfighting roles .
I am currently working as a Security contractor with specialist skills in Close and Executive Protection. My previous clients have been a number of prestigious security company’s, blue chip organisations, high profile media and film personalities, Foreign and English royalty. I am seeking the opportunity to further my career in the corporate security environment and I feel my expertise, knowledge and attributes and the ability to get things done
Foreign Language Skills
English (2+/2+)
Additional Role(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
2003 - 2005
Mirpur Board AJK