SGT Kevin Putala

SGT Kevin Putala

Dates of Service: Aug 1984 - Nov 1992
85% Complete
52 Contacts
Influence Score: 13,919
4,228 out of 868,093 Veterans
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  • PVT Aug 84
  • PV2 Jan 85
  • PFC Mar 85
  • SPC May 86
  • SGT May 89

Recent Activity  -


Served in the US Army Military Police from 85-92 as a patrolman and MPI Investigator. I was stationed at Camp Ames, Korea, Ft. Devens, Grafenwoehr, Germany and Ft. Ritchie. Currently working on a ministry to encourage and help men become warriors in life and all that God created them to be.

Military Experiences

Oct 1991 - Nov 1992
Squad Leader
Was the Sergeant of the Guard responsible for the security of a Federal Underground Communications Center located at Raven Rock, PA. Controlled access onto and off of the installation as well as access to the underground facility using the pass and badge system. Supervised a security team of 15 soldiers. Was squad leader of an eight person squad ensuring my soldiers were properly trained and were technically and tactically proficient in their duties. Ended term of service from this assignment.
Jan 1988 - Oct 1991
Military Police Investigator
Performed duties as a Military Police Investigator, investigating criminal activity that occurred on the installation or involved military personnel off of the installation. Worked closely with JAG attorneys to assign charges and build cases for court martial or Article 15 procedures. Taught hand to hand combat to MPI personnel. Closed the most cases within the MPI section and received an Army Achievement Medal and Army Commendation Medal for the performance of my duties.
Feb 1986 - Jan 1988
Military Police Team Leader
Performed security for the US Army Military Intelligence School, controlling entry and exit into school facilities using pass and badge system. In charge of destroying all classified materials for the installation. Held a Top Secret (SCI) security clearance and received an Army Achievement Medal for the performance of my duties.
Jan 1985 - Jan 1986
Military Police Officer (MP)
Performed duties as a Military Police officer providing base security, controlling entry and exit from the base. Performed duties as law enforcement investigating crimes, arresting subjects and interviewing witnesses. Received a Letter of Commendation from the base commander for diffusing an irate crowd of Korean nationals that approached the front gate without the assistance of back up or my chain of command. Received the Army Achievement Medal for the performance of my duties.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher


Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Sgt David G Duchesneau

Marine Corps | Rifleman

Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
SCPO David Lockwood

Navy | Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Launching & Recovery)

Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Overall leadership, character, professionalism, and integrity; while in garrison and deployed.
SPC Woody Bullard

Army | Military Police

Gainesville, FL

Endorsed for: Overall leadership and character. Service in Federal Republic of Germany during Cold War confrontation with the Soviet Union.
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter