LtCol Pilot HMH/M/L/A

LtCol (Join to see)

Estimated PCS Date : (Join to see)
80% Complete
5 Endorsements
39 Contacts
Influence Score: 7,280
231 out of 9,736 O-5s
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  • 2ndLt Dec 94
  • 1stLt Dec 96
  • Capt Dec 98
  • Maj Dec 04
  • LtCol Jan 11
Commissioning Source:  OCS, Dec 1994


I have had successfully accomplished every job required in the day to day operations of a squadron, be it in flight school or in the Fleet Marine Force. As a Major and LtCol I had every job in the Squadron....even the Commanding Officer. Now that I am retired, I am training customers from around the world on how to fly Bell Products.