72% Complete
0 Endorsements
2 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,055
35,573 out of 867,897 Veterans
35,573 out of 867,897 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Motivated individual looking to progressively test and grow my robotics/automation, electronics, and mechanical skills and abilities. My past experiences and training have provided me with solid leadership abilities which also aid me in being able to work with, and learn from others. I have a knack for mechanical processes and am expanding my knowledge on electrical and electromechanical theories and processes.
Military Experiences
Jun 2009 - Mar 2013
KC-130J Loadmaster ANI, NSI
Trained Loadmasters to become instructors in proper preflight, postflight, aerial refueling observer duties, aerial delivery rigging/procedures, battlefield illumination rigging/procedures, rapid ground refueling duties/procedures, and emergency procedures. Responsible for completing a schedule that met mission requirements for the squadron, as well as individual mission specific codes. Calculated aircraft weight and balance. Operated a 16K forklift. Used Microsoft Office suite for daily operational planning.
(1 year, 1 month)Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information