CPL Wilfred Roberge

CPL Wilfred Roberge

Dates of Service: no date specified
44% Complete
0 Endorsements
24 Contacts
Influence Score: 43,555
1,543 out of 868,083 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC Jul 08
  • CPL

Recent Activity  -


I'm a conservative family man that loves my children. I am currently a Reservist/Stay at Home Dad who would like to get back into the RR field, possibly management using the Transportation Skills I learned as an 88N as well as my academic knowledge(I studied military history quite a bit).
Other goals are to run for my hometown's selectman as I would like to get into politics and fix things and I see selectman as a stepping stone.

Military Experiences

Jan 2005 - Apr 2006
Individual Mobilization Augmentation (IMA)
Assigned to G-1 in a 42A Slot spearheading the "Welcome Home Warrior" award program for citizen soldiers for all of New England tracking and issuing award sets to units. Processed awards. Funeral Details. DEERS and RAPIDS Reporting Official enrolling family members and dependents into the system, as well as issuing ID Cards.
Mar 2003 - Jan 2005
Movements Specialist
Jan 2001 - Mar 2003
Movement Specialist
Memember of the 880th TC Det a Movement Control Team whose mission was primanily "Cargo Documentation" which was stood down and I was transferredt o Battalion. While a member of the the 880, I went to Egypt for Bright Star on Sept/Oct 2001 where I tracked convoys as well as reprogramed RF-ID Tags to help provide in transit visibility.
Jan 2001 - Mar 2001
AIT Student
Attended 88N School. Missed one week of the course due to being sick still got #2 out of class graduating in "GPA." (it would have been a tie but I missed by ONE question)


(1 year, 1 month)
Jul 2007 - May 2008
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Night Shift BCS3 Operator working the Translog Web application assigning assetts + mode managers to cargo between nodes. Also tracked lost and frustrated cargo through all of Iraqi Theatre during OIF surge.

Worked with customers to ensure cargo was picked up/delivered on time.

In Transit Visibility.

719th Movement Control Battalion.
Sep 2001 - Oct 2001
Operation Bright Star - Egypt
Annual Training #2 for me in the Reserve as a young PFC, we used very early RFID tags and used them to trac convoys as well as reprograming them for customers for when it was time for thier stuff to come back to the USA.
Very wierd time because of 9-11. Operation Enduring Freedom was launched when I was there.

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2008 - 2015

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter