SPC Margaret Higgins

SPC Margaret Higgins

Dates of Service: Apr 1975 - Dec 1978
85% Complete
1504 Contacts
Influence Score: 9,161,499
18 out of 868,039 Veterans
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  • PVT Apr 75
  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC Sep 75

Recent Activity  -


I have a career in singing. I also have a Music Producer who produced a CD with my songs on it.
(US Army- 2 enlistments Cold War. April 23, 1975- Dec 16, 1978)
Neighborhood Emergency Response Team
Water Safety Instructor- (Red Cross) First Aid, CPR
Life Guard
Challenge to Learning- taught emotionally handicapped children as a Teachers' Assistan.
Sunday School Teacher

Freelance Photog

Resident Assistant, Resident Student Assistant.
Neighborhood Emergency Response Team.
Commander's Community Service Award.
Nominated for the Danforth/Fulbright Scholarship/Fellowship.
Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.
Who's Who Among American Women.
Who's Who in America.
Who's Who in the World.
I sang on the radio when I was about forty-eight years old. DJ asked me if I had ever considered a career in show bus

Military Experiences

Jan 1975 - Dec 1977
Squad Leader
I started out in Communications. (165th Signal Company)
I then changed my MOS to 03C; and became a Sports Director in Special Services. In Germany, during the Cold War: I was a Sports Director for Dependent Youths. I was in charge of coaches and dependent youths. I: kept score/wrote evalutations/phoned a radio station with our teams' scores.
I received a high enough score on my evalutation; such that: I was able to reenlist as a Sports Director. I reenlisted and PCSD to Washington state. In AIT: I was a Graduate with Honors.
Apr 1975 - May 1975
Squad Leader
Keeping a squared away room. In charge of squad members. In charge of marching squad members. In charge at IG inspection. In charge of squad members' rooms. Leading by example. Trying to be an inspiration. Trying to see each of my Squad members as special. Being compassionate. Played on our platoon's baseball team; as first baseman.


(2 years)
Ended in Dec 1978
Washington State
I was honorably discharged with two disabilities.
I ran the recreation shop. I received a birthday letter from our post's Commander.
I made a conference room into a theater; and was commended by our Company Commander.
I cleaned the Colonel's van.
(I had received a good enough evaluation to reenlist in Special Services.)
Apr 1975 - Mar 1977
Sports Director
Kept score for dependent youths.
Phoned newspaper with the results of games.
In charge of coaches.
Maintained paperwork.
Maintained morale.
Wrote evaluations of depend

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

May 2019

Wounded Warrior Certificate of Outstanding Service

Jan 2019

Commander's Club Bronze Leader 2019. Certificate from Disabled American Veterans.

Oct 2017

Certificate of Appreciation from Boys Town

Aug 2017

USO Recognition Certificate

Foreign Language Skills
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1970 - 1974

California Western University

Bachelor's Degree

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter