46% Complete
0 Endorsements
12 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,401
17,887 out of 868,047 Veterans
17,887 out of 868,047 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Mar 2010 - Jun 2013
Partner Security Forces Planner
Principal U.S. Central Command Joint Staff Gulf Branch Desk Officer responsible for political-military analysis, security assistance, military to military engagement activities and international programs engagement.
Jun 2003 - Oct 2004
Staff Action Officer, CCJ5 Policy
• Coordinated and prepared CENTCOM command positions Unified Command Plan, National Security Strategy and National Military Strategy.
• Reviewed and summarized U.S. government policy documents, provided policy and strategy input to CENTCOM planning efforts.
• Reviewed and summarized U.S. government policy documents, provided policy and strategy input to CENTCOM planning efforts.
Oct 2001 - Feb 2003
Mobilization Desk Officer and Briefer
Served as the Mobilization desk officer and as one of the primary briefers for the CAT which produced twice daily briefings for the Chief of Staff and Secretary of the Army.
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
1978 - 2014
Southwestrn College
Bachelor's Degree