CMSgt John Wagner

CMSgt John Wagner

Dates of Service: Feb 1967 - Jan 1991
75% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 1,790
22,761 out of 864,904 Veterans
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  • Amn
  • A1C
  • SrA
  • SSgt
  • TSgt
  • 1stSgt
  • 1stSgt
  • CMSgt

Recent Activity  -


Married 50 years as of December 2017. Two daughters, five grandchildren, three great grandchildren. I have been dealing with leukemia and lymphoma for going on 13 years now and still doing OK. I miss the Air Force and even though I have been retired over 26 years, I still have dreams I am back in (and usually out of uniform). My work history and military history is listed below.

Military Experiences

Jan 1985 - Jan 1991
Superintendent Russian/East European Language Training Division
Superintendent of the largest training group in the Air Force. The school consisted of Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Instructors. In addition to making sure all courses ran smoothly, I had final say if students washed out of training or were given additional training time (my least favorite part of the job).
Jan 1982 - Dec 1984
Mission Supervisor/Operations Superintendent
I was the mission supervisor on Charlie Flight and then the last year I was operations superintendent.
Jan 1979 - Dec 1981
Technical Instructor
Wrote lesson plans, trained students, supervised other instructors.
Jan 1976 - Dec 1978
Voice Intercept Operator Supervisor

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Feb 1974 - Apr 1974

Jan 1973 - Feb 1973

Foreign Language Skills


Russian (4/3)

Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1963 - 1993
