40% Complete
0 Endorsements
10 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,302
29,697 out of 867,939 Veterans
29,697 out of 867,939 Veterans
Recent Activity -
(1 year) 1991 - 1992

Operation Desert Shield/Storm
Served onboard USS Elrod FFG-55, supporting aggressive air and surface surveillance operations. Elrod conducted naval exercises with units of Gulf Cooperation Council nations to strengthen and further develop the bonds that were forged during Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
US Navy Instructor Training School
1992 - 1993
Gas Turbine Systems Technician (Electrical) C School
1989 - 1990
Gas Turbine Systems Technician (Electrical) A School
Foreign Language Skills
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees