50% Complete
0 Endorsements
2 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,359
28,731 out of 868,048 Veterans
28,731 out of 868,048 Veterans
Recent Activity -
I am 100% service connected disabled. I served 14 years and some change. Wounded in combat 29 October 2007. I have had my right arm reattached, a severe TBI, broken back still jacked up and PTSD.
(2 years, 5 months)Apr 2007 - Oct 2007

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
ASO MND Southeast. Route Clearance, Scout vehicle leader for Detainee Ops transport.
Dec 2004 - Jun 2005

Jun 2003 - Dec 2003

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Kabul, HQ ISAF, PSD leader for NATO Generals and Dignitaries, route clearance team leader, Afghanistan PSD trainer, HQs Resource protection NCO.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
MRAP Instructor's Course
Foreign Language Skills
Arabic (Gulf-Iraqi) (1/0+)
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees